Monday, December 12, 2016

My definition of security

In my security essay I argues that security should be human security. Human security is not seen as the traditional definition of security, as there were fewer threats that to threatened what it entailed. Human security can be defined as having the basic necessities such as food and water and other basic necessities for health. Economically it entails the security allowing a job and a decent wage to survive. Education allows the security that allows anyone and everyone to be educated, informed and have the proper skills needed today. Information means that there is security to have the privacy of your own information. All of this combined can be defined as human security. Human security also has a less immediate threat then those that include violence. Today, I think that security should be both national security and human security. I think this because of the various topics that we have discussed over the course of the semester that would focus on this type of security.  
Of course I think that humans will continue to have the risks present to them that threaten human security however national security is another type of security that needs to be taken when thinking about the definition of security.  National security is seen as the more traditional definition of security. Threats such as war whether it be foreign or civil, terrorism and others. If it somehow involves violence,  a short-term and immediate threat to the nation then it is a threat to national security. 
The various topics that we discussed that threaten national security are ones such as the war on terror, ISIS, Somali-piracy, EU-migration, etc.  The example of EU-migration is a threat to national security because it threatens the common good of the nation as a whole. There aren't enough resources for both the migrants and the citizens of whichever European country. Somali piracy is another because pirates are not willing to give legitimacy to the transitional government. As a result of that the pirates take aid that is meant to be given to Somalis in need, threatening the common good of the Somali people. They are also seen as legitimate themselves causing them to further slow down the process of creating a legitimate government. ISIS, is another example of a threat to national security as the organization has gone throughout Iraq and Syria, claiming sovereignty and using violent means in order to get what it wants. The organization is doing so to non-combatants as well.  There is no means of corporation with any other party involved, only extremist demands. ISIS threatens the common good of the Iraq and Syria because people of those nations are forced to leave or fight. Examples such as these, Eu-migration, Somali piracy and ISIS, are ones that  make me rethink my definition of what security is nationally. Threats that encompass violence as a short-term threat. 
After learning about both national security and human security over the course of the semester, I think that both are needed to take into account for my definition of security. Both of these definitions focus on different types of threats, both kinds we see today, thus why I think it is only appropriate to look at both definitions of security. 

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